Config File
File Version: 2.2.0
# If default configs are not working, it's because this configs are created in legacy versions.
# Fix items in configs for your server version.
limitEnabled: true # Enable or disable limit.
topOrderLimit: 1.0 # If buy order price will increase maximum this number, will change price. (Set 0 to disable)
maximumCount: 1600 # Maximum item amount per buy order.
minimumPrice: 0.1 # Minimum buy order price.
requiredCount: 1 # If buy order price count will be 2 or more, will change price.
checkWhenCreated: true # If new buy order is created, will check for orders like when you buy/sell item.
limitEnabled: true
bestOfferLimit: 1.0
maximumCount: 1600
minimumPrice: 0.1
requiredCount: 1
checkWhenCreated: true
PlaceholderAPI: false # For bazaar placeholders.
HeadDatabase: false # For using HDB heads in items.
MMOItems: false # Will work with only LEGACY version for now.
flags: # Item flags for main menu items. (Includes every item)
type: "vault" # vault or yaml
folder: "plugins/YAMLEconomy/players"
file: "%uuid%.yml" # %uuid% or %player%
node: # In file: money -> total: 100
type: "anvil" # Input menu type, I prefer anvil for better performance. (sign or anvil)
lines: # Lines for sign, don't use color codes.
- ""
- "^^^^^^^^^^"
- "Write"
- "number"
category: "mining" # Default category name.
mode: "direct" # Default mode name.
sellNormalItems: true # Enable this if you want to sell normal Minecraft items. (Not bought from Bazaar)
maximumNumber: 2304 # Don't change if you don't know.
limitSellPrice: true # If this setting is true, sell price will be lower than buy price always.
buyGoBack: false # Enable this if you want to close (go back) buy menu, when you buy something.
sellGoBack: true # Disable this if you don't want to close (go back) sell menu, when you sell something.
order: true # Enable or disable orders.
orderSettings: true # Enable or disable order settings.
sellAll: true # Enable or disable sell all.
sellItems: true # Enable or disable sell items.
enabled: true # Disable this if you don't want to change prices when created buy or sell order.
change: true # Disable this if you don't want to change prices with formula & reload.
reload: 60 # Item & Amount reloading time in minutes.
maximumChange: 1.0 # Maximum price change (Even formula changes +5, plugin will change max +1. For only increase or decrease)
minimumCount: 1000 # If buy count is less than this number, price will not change. (Set 0 to disable)
formula: "%oldprice% + (%buycount% / 100)" # Formula for new price. (%oldprice% and %buycount%)
type: "increase" # increase, set or decrease
maximumChange: 1.0
minimumCount: 1000
formula: "%oldprice% + (%sellcount% / 100)"
type: "decrease"
messages: # All messages.
noPermission: "&cYou don't have enough permission."
consoleUsage: "&8- &a/bazaar reload: &7Reloads plugin."
- "&8- &a/bazaar menu: &7Opens bazaar menu."
- "&8- &a/bazaar buy [item] [count]: &7Buys item."
- "&8- &a/bazaar sell [item] [count]: &7Sells item."
- "&8- &a/bazaaradmin menu [player]: &7Opens bazaar menu to player."
- "&8- &a/bazaaradmin buy [player] [item] [count]: &7Buys item for player."
- "&8- &a/bazaaradmin sell [player] [item] [count]: &7Sells item for player."
- "&8- &a/bazaaradmin createitem [name] [category]: &7Automatically creates item in your hand and add to files."
- "&8- &a/bazaaradmin reload: &7Reloads plugin."
buyUsage: "&cBuy Usage: &f/bazaar buy [item] [count]"
sellUsage: "&cSell Usage: &f/bazaar sell [item] [count]"
adminMenuUsage: "&cMenu Usage: &f/bazaaradmin menu [player]"
adminBuyUsage: "&cBuy Usage: &f/bazaaradmin buy [player] [item] [count]"
adminSellUsage: "&cBuy Usage: &f/bazaaradmin sell [player] [item] [count]"
notPlayer: "&cYou are not player!"
reloaded: "&aPlugin successfully reloaded."
notEnoughMoney: "&cYou need more &f%price% &cmoney!"
notEnoughItem: "&cYou need more &f%count%x %item% &citem!"
removeError: "&cThere is a problem with remove, please contact to owner."
addError: "&cThere is a problem with add, please contact to owner."
noEmptySlot: "&cYou don't have enough empty slot!"
sellPriceCantBeHigher: "&cSell price can't be higher than buy price!"
wrongItem: "&cThis item is wrong!"
wrongPlayer: "&cI can't find player like that!"
wrongNumber: "&cYou need to write number!"
wrongCategory: "&cThis category is wrong!"
pluginError: "&cThere is a problem about plugin, please try again!"
createItemUsage: "&cUsage: &f/bazaar createitem [name] [category]"
createdItem: "&aSuccessfully item created with name &f%name% &a& category &f%category%&a! Please edit prices and add item to category in items file."
bought: "&6Bazaar! &7Bought &a%count%&7x &f%item% &7for &6%price% coins&7!"
sold: "&6Bazaar! &7Sold &a%count%&7x &f%item% &7for &6%price% coins&7!"
soldAll: "&6Bazaar! &7Sold &a%count%&7x items &7for total &6%price% coins&7!"
writeNumber: "&aWrite Number"
bigNumber: "&cWrite Lower Number"
reachedMinimumBuyPrice: "&cThis item have already minimum buy price!"
reachedMinimumSellPrice: "&cThis item have already minimum sell price!"
cancelCustom: "&cYou cancelled custom count."
noItem: "&cYou don't have this item!"
buyOrderSetup: "&eBuy Order Setup! &a%amount%&7x &f%name% &7for &6%price% coins"
sellOfferSetup: "&eSell Offer Setup! &a%amount%&7x &f%name% &7for &6%price% coins"
priceChanged: "&ePrice Changed! &a%amount%&7x %name% &7item's price changed to &6%newprice% &7from &6%oldprice% coins&7!"
buyOrderCancelled: "&cCancelled! &7Refunded &6%price% coins &7from cancelling buy order!"
sellOfferCancelled: "&cCancelled! &7Refunded &a%amount%&7x %name% &7from cancelling sell offer!"
orderDisabled: "&cOrder system is disabled!"
sellAllDisabled: "&cSell All is disabled!"
sellItemsDisabled: "&cSell Items is disabled!"
claimedBuyOrder: "&6Bazaar! &7Claimed &a%amount%&7x %name% &7worth &6%price% coins &7bought for &6%unitprice% &7each!"
claimedSellOffer: "&6Bazaar! &7Claimed &6%price% coins &7from selling &a%amount%&7x %name% &7at &6%unitprice% &7each!"
maximumSellOffer: "&cYou have already maximum sell offer count!"
maximumBuyOrder: "&cYou have already maximum buy order count!"
buyOrderFilled: "&6[Bazaar] &eYour &aBuy Order &efor &a%count%&7x %name% &ewas filled!"
sellOfferFilled: "&6[Bazaar] &eYour &6Sell Offer &efor &a%count%&7x %name% &ewas filled!"
noPermissionItem: "&cYou don't have enough permission for this item!"
notEnoughStock: "&cThis item need more &f%count% &cstock!"
maximumCount: "&cYou can't write this number!"
minimumCount: "&cYou need to write minimum 1 for amount!"
noStock: "&cN/A"
permissions: # If you want to disable, write "".
# If player have this permission, can see this item in main menu. (Can buy and sell this item too)
# You can use %item% placeholder.
item: ""
# If player have this permission, can see this category in main menu.
# You can use %category% placeholder.
category: ""
normal: # Normal Commands
command: "" # /bazaar
menu: "" # /bazaar menu
buy: "" # /bazaar buy [item] [count]
sell: "" # /bazaar sell [item] [count]
admin: # Admin commands
command: "bazaaradmin.command" # /bazaaradmin
menu: "" # /bazaaradmin menu [player]
buy: "" # /bazaaradmin buy [player] [item] [count]
sell: "bazaaradmin.sell" # /bazaaradmin sell [player] [item] [count]
createItem: "bazaaradmin.createitem" # /bazaaradmin createitem [name] [category]
reload: "bazaaradmin.reload" # /bazaaradmin reload
number: # Number Format for prices.
removeDecimal: false # If it's true, numbers will not have decimal. (Example 43.34 to 43)
minimumFraction: 0
maximumFraction: 2
decimal: true # 10,2 etc.
short: # 10k, 25M, 1T etc. (I don't prefer, it's little buggy for now.)
enabled: false
thousand: "k"
million: "M"
billion: "G"
trillion: "T"
quadrillion: "Q"
quintillion: "E"
name: "&a&lBUY&8: &f%name%"
- "&8Worth %price% coins"
- "&f"
- "&7Order Amount: &a%count%&7x"
- "&7Price Per Unit: &6%unitprice% coins"
- "&f"
- "&7By: &a%player%"
- "&eClick to view options!"
name: "&a&lBUY&8: &f%name%"
- "&8Worth %price% coins"
- "&f"
- "&7Order Amount: &a%count%&7x"
- "&7Filled: &a%fillcount%&7/%count% &a%percent%%!"
- "&f"
- "&7Price Per Unit: &6%unitprice% coins"
- "&f"
- "&aYou have &2%collectcount% items &ato claim!"
- "&eClick to claim!"
name: "&e&lSELL&8: &f%name%"
- "&8Worth %price% coins"
- "&f"
- "&7Offer Amount: &a%count%&7x"
- "&7Price Per Unit: &6%unitprice% coins"
- "&f"
- "&7By: &a%player%"
- "&eClick to view options!"
name: "&e&lSELL&8: &f%name%"
- "&8Worth %price% coins"
- "&f"
- "&7Offer Amount: &e%count%&7x"
- "&7Filled: &e%fillcount%&7/%count% &e%percent%%!"
- "&f"
- "&7Price Per Unit: &6%unitprice% coins"
- "&f"
- "&eYou have &6%collectprice% coins &eto claim!"
- "&eClick to claim!"
enabled: false
type: "CLICK"
volume: 1
pitch: 1
- "&8%product% products"
- "&r"
- "&7Buy Price: &6%buyprice% coins"
- "&8%buycount% insta-buys in 3d"
- "&r"
- "&7Sell Price: &6%sellprice% coins"
- "&8%sellcount% insta-sells in 3d"
- "&r"
- "&eClick to view product!"
- "&8%product% products"
- "&r"
- "&7Buy Price: &6%buyprice% coins"
- "&7Sell Price: &6%sellprice% coins"
- "&r"
- "&eClick to view product!"
- "&7Buy Price: &6%buyprice% coins"
- "&8%buycount% insta-buys in 3d"
- "&r"
- "&7Sell Price: &6%sellprice% coins"
- "&8%sellcount% sinsta-sells in 3d"
- "&r"
- "&eClick to view item!"
- "&7Buy Price: &6%buyprice% coins"
- "&7Sell Price: &6%sellprice% coins"
- "&r"
- "&eClick to view item!"
Last updated
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